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Thursday 17 January 2013

Sedih Tingkat Dewa

Sedih Tingkat Dewa

Gue sedih
Sedih kagak ketulungan
Mo dibilang lebay, emang gua ada hak, gua cewek, cings!

Mo dibilang kemesyok, lu coba jadi gua
Mo dibilang kufur ni'mat nah nie die yang gua takutin

Helep helep rasa di otak bumpet mampet kaya saluran air
Berasa semua do'a kagak ngebantu
Hufft gua loyo cings, mati kagak idup ogah

Dasar masalah dunia, bikin kampret
Bikin gua nyadar iman gua mah cethek kagak usah koar-koar bangsa pembicara di lapangan
Astaghfirullah astaghfirullah berasa pengen lariiiiiii sambil ndengerin lagu bang Rhoma "Lari Pagiiiiii"

Gosh forgive me king of dangdut, i quote Your name out of respect honestly.....


It seems asleep nowadays is quite an expensive, rare and unusual thing for me. And if i refer to all those pop physychology then i might have a huge stress on my shoulder *might be true* or i am starting my career as an insomniac again....gooooood Lord.

Last time i got it the treatment that i gave is very simple reading. Just read about 4 - 7 novels per night would always bring me to slumber from 3 - 5 am everyday for around 4 years. But when i was lucky, i could go to a dreamland from 1 am till Shubuh time.

So why did i exclaim then if the answer is simple???? Because i cant solve my problems due to my lack of understanding bout what are the problems and i lost the interest in reading. Now the last option falls to pray and listen the voice of recitation. Well hopefully Allah wont take those 2 answers also. For if He takes those two things also, then what should i do? Duh Gusti Pangeran e urip dumadi kulo maringaken sedoyo, kulo nyuwun pangapunten damel sedoyo kalepatan kulo.....