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Tuesday 15 January 2013


Differences is a simple word that consists of 11 letters, 7 consonants and 4 vowels. Very simple. Very pack. But somehow the meaning is about differences. Differences in any kind and aspect in everything. Like people in Middle Java will say "Saras or sehat for healthy" people in East Java will say "waras for healthy" buuuut if you use the term in Middle Java "waras" they will think you are stating a fact to explain the health condition from a mental illness. Shocking how the same word can be giving us different meanings...subhanallah. Hillarious if you are not the one who stated it, but since i ever did it, believe me it is quite embarassing lol.

And this morning i faced another jlebzh *the sound of knife stabbs the flesh* moment. I am soooo ashamed in knowing my differences with someone that i hold dear, caused us into a corner where we have to back off and take a deep breath while saying astaghfirullah.....astaghfirullah. Life does give us many facets that we have to stay afloat not due to the survival only but how to immerse from every difference as a winner without compramising our deen, insyaAllah.

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