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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Confession Time

Confession Time

There is a time in human's life that secrecy is the utmost part of your life due to safety of yourself or people surround you. And there will be a time to reveal all though no one is pointing a gun on our heads. But somehow for me lately the rules and regulations that i have applied since Methusellah have been smudged by my need in sharing my happiness and my needs to make people happy as i am. Unfortunately i did not realise that some times people have their own courts to decide which one is right or wrong and which one is decent and which one is outrageous. And my news is categorised as the latest part for some of them. It was like a puppy being kicked on its head after bringing a carcass of its hunting result for the 1st time to its master *sniffs* i know it is not a picturesque but at least it is not a grotesque for the puppy part *crossing the fingers for it* but in the end the reality checks be friended with someone is not to have their whole devotions, love and supports. But to befriended with someone in Islam are as mentioned here some of them, and do check are you guys more like those or not

  1. Remind each other of Allah (SWT) when you set eyes on each other.
  2. Leave each other's company with a higher level of imaan [faith in Allah (SWT)].
  3. Inevitably start the conversation with the Islamic greeting 'As-Salaamu Alaykum', and receive the masnoon reply for it.
  4. Do the masnoon mu'aanaqah (hug) and musafahah (handshake) on a regular basis.
  5. Almost always mention Allah (SWT), Noble Qur'an, Ahlul Bayt or Hadith in some context or the other, in your conversations.
  6. Strengthen each other's belief on the Hereafter. Give each other more duaa's (well wishes) than material gifts.
  7. Always end up exchanging useful and mature ideas and thoughts. Love each other above and beyond worldly benefits.
  8. Attend religious study-circles/ halaqah's together. Have prayed salaah together many times.
  9. Have watched each other cry, out of fear of Allah (SWT) or out of regret for committing a transgression.
  10. Listen attentively if the other is saying something that pleases Allah (SWT).
  11. Politely point out and reform each other's mistakes or bad habits in the best way possible.
  12. Return an Amanah (item placed in other's trust/safekeeping) belonging to the other in its original state.
  13. Smile together, but with decent, non-malicious humor. Enquire regularly about the health of the other's family.
  14. Become uninterested and change the subject if the other starts to say something that is impermissible.
  15. Always discourage the other if they plan to do something wrong.
  16. Always encourage the other if they intend to do a good deed that they're hesitant to do.
  17. Consult each other in important matters. Give each other advice seriously and sincerely.
  18. Never waste each other's time in useless activities. Never invite the other to a place or gathering of sin.
  19. Have full trust that they will never reveal secrets or personal problems to others, nor will they gossip about you behind your back.
  20. Address each other in a respectful and loving manner. Forgive each other's faults and shortcomings, and hide them from others.

Bing And Bong

This show gosh what a memory.....sickness does bring those memory lane to be walked upon ....