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Wednesday, 26 December 2012


INFERIORITY - a story from the past

Tonight in my miserable corner i remember a good romance story from an Indonesian author Maria A.Sardjono. In that story the heroine concluded and said something that i still remember till now. She said that your ways in treating yourself oftentimes shown up in the opposite ways that others might read it differently, alhamdulillah if it is for a better good and astaghfirullah for a worse part lol. In the book she wrote that in a couple when 1 of them is trying to show attention abundantly it might be a sign that the party does not feel secure with the feelings that the partner has. And somehow i cross check this theory of marketing haha get lost already Lovies? Do not be ya....for up to know i wish to be a great marketer in which i am fail, and good in reading people, somehow not really perfect lol.

So back again with the opposite mirroring *that is what i call for the 1st theory" and the theory of marketing, actually are very much related though the objects and the aims are different. But do not forget that those 2 different cases have only 1 core....happiness. One is happiness in getting a lot of money and the other is happiness in being loved back as much as we love....subhannallah. So what is your path to the main core aka happiness? Let Rahmatan lil 'allamin be your path toward His eternity happiness. Wallahu allam bissawab.