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Monday, 22 November 2010

Motif Batik Tradisional

Parang Rusak
The motif above is what Javanesse called Parang Rusak. Parang Rusak in the old time  was including one of the sacred motif in Batik.Mayhap it is due to the date of the invention, since this is one of the oldest motif in Batik. This type of motif was considered sacred and important because only noble people allowed to wear this motif and also in a special occassion such as the ceremonial events, welcoming the guests, saluting the Senopati* from their winning in a war, and many important events that made this motif as the sacred once.Those noble people were the palace's members, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VI and Susuhanan Paku Buwono XII.

This motif itself  was derided from the natural ambiances in Yogya and Surakarta* if you see it closely you can trace the repetition of letter S in this motif from above to the below part. Now lets dwell with the history of this motif.
Nowadays Parang Rusak is being colored in various colors.

Parang in Javanesse language is a stout straight knife used in Indonesia and Malaysia, but in this context Parang is from the word Pereng, that has a meaning as a hill. Perengan is picturing as a declining line from the peak point to the lowest point diagonally. And those S letters are being intertwined repeatedly to represent the harmony and synchronisation. The letter of S is taken from the form of the waves on the sea which in the end is representing the undying spirit.

But nowadays all of us can wear it freely and for any occassion, though in marriage ceremony most of the single youngsters will wear it as their Kain*. This motif has also been applied in more modern ways including experiencing the modifications, stilation or even combining with other motifs like what we can see above is one of my private collection for this motif and it has been changed from the serious motif into the cheerfull ones, like nee lol.

Do remember that this motif is representing happiness, spiritfull, undying effort, and many good meanings. But it could also be used as a hope from a parent toward their kids to continue the glory and succeed of the family.

Notes - I compile the words above from these links below, do not hesitate to holler at me to translate them in English though it is in the simplest way lol